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The etiquette of drinking tea is an important part of Chinese culture. Here are some tea-related etiquette practices in English:

1. Greeting: Before drinking tea, it is customary to greet each other.

2. Preparation: The teapot and teacups should be rinsed with hot water, and the tea should be prepared with care.

3. Pouring: The person who pours the tea should hold the teapot with their right hand and the lid with their left hand. Guests should hold their teacups with both hands to receive the tea.

4. Drinking: When drinking tea, hold the cup with your thumb and index finger, and your middle and ring fingers should be used to support the bottom of the cup. Take small sips and avoid making noise while drinking.

5. Refilling: If someone empties their cup, it is polite to offer to refill their cup with more tea.

6. Thanking: After finishing the tea, it is customary to thank the host and express gratitude for the tea.

Overall, the etiquette of drinking tea emphasizes respect, mindfulness, and the importance of social interaction.



  茶道,就是品赏茶的美感之道,被视为一种烹茶 饮茶 的生活艺术,一种以茶为媒的生活礼仪,一种以茶修身的生活方式。那么你想知道茶道用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来茶道的英语说法和例句,欢迎大家一起学习




  The tea ceremony


  茶道精神 tea spirit

  日本茶道 Japanese tea ceremony



  the title of "China Tea" and kungfu tea Chaoshan is universally renowned.


  It is an eclectic mix of Japanese tea drinking and English country garden.

  Do you know the tea ceremonial?


  Fujian tea ceremony is an elaborate way of preparing and serving tea.

  这里常常举行茶道表演,以使茶 文化 更加深入人心。

  Tea ceremonies are often held here so as to make tea culture better known among common people.


  NO.1 is a place for you to experience the atmosphere of Sado.


  Similarly venerable is the local tea ceremony, which can last several hours.


  The Japanese have a special way of serving tea call a tea ceremony.

  他也许不是茶道 爱好 者,但他有自己的茶室。

  He may not be a devotee of the tea ceremony, but he does have his own tea house.


  "four significances"of tea ceremony in Korea were similar to Japa.


  Though not as strict as the tea ceremony in Japan, certain rules govern the Chinese understanding of tea.


  Japan's first lady, Kiyoko Fukuda, dressed in a blue kimono, performed a traditional tea ceremony.


  For this, he invited all lovers of the tea ceremony to the pine grove of Kitano in Kyoto.


  He may not be a devotee of the tea ceremony, but he does have his own tea house.


  So a tea ceremony in the bustling, earthbound part of Shanghai across the river sounded just the thing.


  A: Is the tea ceremony popular in China?


  Although the Japanese tea ceremony is well known in the world, but it is also originated from china.


  The effect of japanese shinto on japanese tea ceremony


  Japanese tea ceremony as a stylized ceremony, attach importance to the tea drinking environment, process and tea utensils.

  但唐代茶道思想的发展是自主自发的,缺乏有意识地归纳 总结 。

  But the development of tea ceremony ideas is autonomous and spontaneous, lacking conscious generalization and summarization in Tang Dynasty.


  The numerous pursuits of the scholars in Ming Dynasty extend the aesthetic intension and reflect the spirit of teaism, enrich the meaning of tea culture.


礼仪[lǐ yí]


etiquette; rite; protocol; amenity; comity


manners; civility; courtesy




典礼,仪式; 礼仪,礼节; 虚礼,客气


开学典礼; 仪式; 开幕式

The appointed hour of the ceremony was drawing nearer.


英文翻译 "茶道"是一种以茶为媒的生活礼仪

'Tea ceremony', a ceremony of mundane life but with tea, is a means for people to mind their health and mend their spirit. By making the tea, appreciating and drinking it, we enhance our friendship, improve our spirit and learn courtesies.It is a wonderful ceremony, of peace and beauty.


茶道属于东方 文化 。东方文化与西方文化的不同,在于东方文化往往没有一个科学的、准确的定义,而要靠个人凭借自己的悟性去贴近它、理解它。下面是我精心为你整理的茶道的英文介绍,一起来看看。


  Chinese Tea Culture

  China is the home country of tea. Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea was exported by land and sea, first to Japan and Korea, then to India and Central Asia and, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, to the Arabian Peninsula. In the early period of the 17th century, Chinese tea was exported to Europe, where the upper class adopted the fashion of drinking tea. Chinese tea—like Chinese silk and china—has become synonymous worldwide with refined culture. At the heart of the art of tea—the study and practice of tea in all its aspects—is the simple gesture of offering a cup of tea to a guest that for Chinese people today is a fundamental social custom, as it has been for centuries. China traces the development of tea as an art form to Lu Yu, known as "the Saint of Tea" in Chinese history, who lived ring the Tang Dynasty and who wrote The Book of Tea, the first ever treatise on tea and tea culture. The spirit of tea permeates Chinese culture, and throughout the country there are many kinds of teas, teahouses, tea legends, tea artifacts and tea customs. Better-known places to enjoy a good cup of tea in China include Beijing noted for its variety of teahouses; Fujian and Guangdong provinces and other places in the southeast of China that serve gongfu tea, a formal serving of tea in tiny cups; the West Lake in Hangzhou, also the home of the Tea Connoisseurs Association, noted for its excellent green tea; and provinces in southwest China like Yunnan where the ethnic groups less affected by foreign cultures retain tea ceremonies and customs in original tea-growing areas.

  The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schele, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves.

  China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one's hunger.


  中国人 饮茶 , 注重一个"品"字。"品茶"不但是鉴别茶的优劣,也带有神思遐想和领略饮茶情趣之意。在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤烦益思、振奋精神,也可以细啜慢饮,达到美的享受,使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界。品茶的环境一般由建筑物、园林、摆设、茶具等因素组成。饮茶要求安静、清新、舒适、干净。中国园林世界闻名,山水风景更是不可胜数。利用园林或自然山水间,搭设茶室,让人们小憩,意趣盎然。




  ①煎茶。 把茶末投入壶中和水一块煎煮。唐代的煎茶,是茶的最早艺术品尝形式。



茶道的英文介绍_茶道的有什么英文的介绍相关 文章 :

1. 茶道的英文

2. 茶道起源英语作文

3. 茶道用英语怎么说

4. 关于茶文化的英语美文

5. 有关于茶道文化英语的作文

6. 中国茶文化英语演讲稿3篇



The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schele, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves. China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one's hunger. 参考译文: 中国人饮茶, 注重一个"品"字。






在饮茶时也可适当佐以茶食、糖果、菜肴等,达到调节口味和点心之功效。 注释: 1.神思遐想:reverie。

2.领略饮茶情趣:take delight in tea-drinking。 3.在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶……:这个句子较长,译者根据其意思的层次,把它分成了两个完整的句子来翻译,这样就有较大的自由度来遣词造句。

4.择静雅之处:securing a serene space。 5.细啜慢饮:imbibe slowly in small sips。


7.使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界:until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm。 8.利用园林或自然山水间,搭设茶室:翻译时用了tucked away和nestled,比用built要形象、优美得多。

9.让人们小憩,意趣盎然:意思是"(茶室)是让人们休息、娱乐的迷人场所。" 10.礼仪之邦:即是"一个很讲究礼仪的地方","很重礼节"为重复,不译。

11.当有客来访:是"凡来了客人"的重复,可不译。根据下文的内容,加上before serving tea,使上下衔接贴切自然。

12.征求意见,选用最合来客口味的茶叶和最佳茶具待客:可理解为"询问来客他们最喜欢什么茶叶,然后用最合适的茶具给客人敬茶"。 13.主人在陪伴客人饮茶时:译为in the course of serving tea,与前面before serving tea相呼应。

14.主人在陪伴客人饮茶时……水温适宜:这句话较长,译者同样根据其意思的层次,把它分成了两个完整的句子来翻译。 15.随喝随添:and thus the cup is kept filled或者and in this way the cup is kept filled。

16.茶食:意思为"点心、小吃"。 17.达到调节口味和点心之功效:"点心"为方言"点饥、充饥"的意思。



China is the hometomn of tea and cradle of tea culture.


And help tourists understand the local tea culture.


Tea ceremonies are often held here so as to make tea culture better known among common people.






















喝茶:Drink tea. 英 [driŋk ti:]美 [drɪŋk ti]双语例句:我回到室,狼吞虎咽地喝茶、吃三明治。

I was back in the changing room wolfing tea and sandwiches.渴了喝水,别喝茶或咖啡。Instead of tea or coffee, drink water to quench your thirst.我们一边喝茶吃烤饼一边聊天。

We chatted over tea and scones.她养成了进来和克拉布特里奶奶一起喝茶的习惯。She made a habit of coming in to take tea with Nanny Crabtr.“喝茶还是喝咖啡?”约翰问道。

'Tea or coffee?' John asked。.。


喝茶:Drink tea.

英 [driŋk ti:]

美 [drɪŋk ti]


1. 我回到室,狼吞虎咽地喝茶、吃三明治。I was back in the changing room wolfing tea and sandwiches.

2. 渴了喝水,别喝茶或咖啡。

Instead of tea or coffee, drink water to quench your thirst.

3. 我们一边喝茶吃烤饼一边聊天。

We chatted over tea and scones.

4. 她养成了进来和克拉布特里奶奶一起喝茶的习惯。

She made a habit of coming in to take tea with Nanny Crabtr.

5. “喝茶还是喝咖啡?”约翰问道。

'Tea or coffee?' John asked.






译文:坐着倒一鼎清凉的水,看着正在煎煮的碧色茶粉细末如尘。 手端着一碗茶无需什么理由,只是就这份情感寄予爱茶之人。






























If you are a guest to be invited to someone's home, we should test some of this tiger. For example, the time has come to hosts who looked at what? Decent, if not to talk about things, just a social gathering early to be impolite. The hostess is doing to prepare, she has not completely ready you up, make her feel very embarrassed. As late as 10 minutes the best. As late as half an hour becomes too late, and need to apologize to the owner.


This is one widely accepted way to place your silverware so that the waiter knows you are finished.

It is polite to wait until everyone is served to start eating, unless everyone has their food except for one or two people and they suggest that everyone begin.

It is polite to wait until everyone is finished eating before leaving the table.

It is not polite to burp at any time, and if you do, it is polite to excuse yourself ("Excuse me.").

Chew with your mouth closed.

Don't talk with food in your mouth.

Don't put your elbows on the table.

When the situation is informal, Americans are generally relaxed about etiquette. If you should make a big mistake, most people probably won't even notice. So relax, and eat up!!


Good basic table manners are important because they ensure that both guests and hosts are comfortable at the table. Table manners are mostly common sense. Following these will carry you through most common situations from Formal Dinners to a night of poker with the guys.

1. Sit up straight. Try not to slouch or lean back in your chair (even if you are playing cards and don't want you opponents to see your hand).

2. Don't speak with your mouth full of food. Sure, you've heard your mother say it a hundred times, but no one likes to see a ball of masticated meat in your mouth. If you feel you must speak immediately, if you have only a relatively small bite, tuck it into your cheek with your tongue and speak briefly.

3. Chew quietly, and try not to slurp. This is a corollary of rule number 2. Making noises is not only unappetizing, and distracting, but it can also interrupt the flow of conversation.

4. Keep bites small. In order to facilitate the above rules it is smart to keep bite sizes to a moderate forkful. Cut meat and salad so that it doesn't hang from your mouth after you shovel it in. Don't cut all of your meat at one time, this tends to remind people of feeding small children - and the messiness associated with this activity.

5. Eat at a leisurely pace. This rule, besides being good for the digestion, also shows your host that you want to enjoy the food and the company. Eating quickly and running is sign of disrespect for the host, as it shows that your focus is on the food and that you would rather be at home watching the grass grow than passing time with your host.

6. Don't wave utensils in the air, especially knives or if there is food on them. Besides the danger of knocking over glasses, piercing waiters or launching a pea into the eye of your date, this is a sign of over-excitedness that may be unappealing to those present. Earnestness is to be commended, but irrational exuberance goes beyond the limits of good table manners.

7. Keep your elbows off the table. You have also heard this one from your mother, ad infinitum, but in close dining situations it is a vital rule. Elbows take up table space and can be a danger in knocking plates or glasses. Elbows on the table give you something to lean on and tend to lull you into slouching. If you must lean on the table a good tactic is to take a roll or piece of bread into your free hand and rest part of your forearm on the table.

8. Don't Reach. You don't want to get in the way of people either eating or talking. Not only is it as impolite as standing in front of a TV with other people behind you, but there is always the possibility of upsetting glasses or running your sleeve through someone's mashed potatoes.

9. Don't forget please and thank you. These are handy words in most situations but especially vital at the table where common courtesies are noticed by everyone present.

10. Excuse yourself when leaving the table. You don't want people to think that you are tired of their company. If you must leave the table make your excuses somewhat obvious and appear to be pressing. You want to leave people with the impression that you would rather remain at the table talking with them than doing anything else, but the matter at hand is so pressing that it must be attended to at once.

11. Compliment the Cook. Even if the food is perfectly awful say something nice. You don't have to lie, simply find the positive side of the burnt leg of lamb..."Gee, the sauce was sure tasty." It is always pleasant to end a meal on a positive note.

12. Wipe your mouth before drinking. Ever notice that disgusting smudge on the edge of your wine glass? This can be avoided by first wiping your lips with your napkin. (Thanks to Lindy Hill for this contribution.)

Seating and absence

You should wait for elderly after deciding, fangke sat down at the table.

Table if any lady, you should wait for lady seat set before seats. If ms seat in the next neighbour, ms. Should call

After dinner, need male, the hostess asked, other guests can move.

Slouch in your seat, with mensal distance keep well.

In restaurants, should by the waiter brought Taiwan seats.

The move, should help every seat elderly female or drag on the chair.

Tableware put etiquette 1

Incense wipes the use of

Napkin main prevent dirty clothes, holds concurrently do wipe your mouth and hand stain.

Must wait until everyone after deciding, ability can use napkin.

Napkin should spread out and put them in the knees at the top of the lap, who do not fasten belt, or hang in suit brought mouth.

Avoid by all means wipes dinner service.

(3) the table on the general etiquette

Your seat after pawlowska decently, foot in my seat, must not be arbitrarily unbend, elbow shall not rely on table flanges, or put his hand on neighbor on the back.

Dinner should lukewarm wen erya, calmly quiet, cannot impatience.

On the table can be selfish, also want to take care of others, especially must called on both sides of the female guests.

Mouth has food, should avoid to speak.

Self-used tableware not stretch into male dinner plate clip dishes.

Must be small mouth eat, don't gulp at the end of the cork, food, cannot plug entrance to swallow.

Take food haing soup, should use GongKuai public key.

Eating imported things, not spit it out, if it is a hot food, drink water or juice bathing.

Send food gateways, two cubits should inward depend, is not straight, touch and open to both sides neighbour.

His hand holding a knife and fork, or others in chew food, all should avoid talk to somebody or toast.

Good food is mouth nking is not mouth was food. Food with juice, can't rush to his mouth, otherwise sauce drops in table-cloth, extremely coarse.

Avoid by all means probing his teeth, application, and with hand or toothpick handkerchief cloak.

Avoid in table cough, sneeze, ou spirit. If can't help, should say "sorry".

Drink appropriate various optional, toast with courtesy to date, avoid by all means is good or not, reasoned, Shouting.

Such as tableware baptistery can ask the waiter picked up.

In case of an accident, if they will wine, water, soup plan splashed onto others clothes, apologize can, do not panic, but will make amends gives the other bashful.

If you want to access in front of the other guests deskmate dressing, should ask the neighbor's guest help transfer, do not put a cross, after take things.

In the case of the master himself cooking food, don't forget to master admiration.

Like to eat unclean or peculiar smell, not ingestion, should the entrance food, light with his thumb and forefinger and removed on a plate. If found not eating, still in pan dishes are insects and gravel, don't frightened little weird, appropriate hou waiter approached and whispered told the waiter replacement.

Feed finish, tableware must be placed in order, and not messy placement. Napkin should also be folded, on the table.

Staple foods, unfavorable smoke, if need to smoke, must obtain the consent of the neighbor.

In a restaurant meal, and can't rob to pay the bill, push-pull contend for pay, most objectionable. If the guest is not rob paying the bill. Friends agree without consent, also unfavorable and friendly paying the bill.

Dine speed, appropriate of the sexes and master synchronization, unfavorable also shoulds not be too fast, too slow.

Table not talk of miserable, otherwise, it will destroy delighted atmosphere.



席上如有女士,应等女士座定后,方可入座。如女士座位在隔邻,应招 呼女士。









餐巾应摊开后,放在双膝上端的大腿上,切勿系人腰带,或挂在西装领 口。



入座后姿式端正,脚踏在本人座位下,不可任意伸直,手肘不得靠桌缘, 或将手放在邻座椅背上。










好的吃相是食物就口,不可将口就食物。食物带汁,不能匆忙送入口, 否则汤汁滴在桌布上,极为不雅。





遇有意外,如不慎将酒、水、汤计溅到他人衣服,表示歉意即可,不 必恐慌赔罪,反使对方难为情。

如欲取用摆在同桌其他客人面前之调味品,应请邻座客人帮忙传递, 不可伸手横越,长驱取物。


如吃到不洁或异味,不可吞入,应将入口食物,轻巧的用拇指和食指 取出,放入盘中。倘发现尚未吃食,仍在盘中的菜肴有昆虫和碎石,不要大惊小 怪,宜侯侍者走近,轻声告知侍者更换。



在餐厅进餐,不能抢着付帐,推拉争付,至为不雅。倘系作客,不能 抢付帐。未征得朋友同意,亦不宜代友付帐。




  向外国朋友介绍中国的茶 文化 ,可以从很多方面来描写。那么茶文化 英语 作文 有哪些呢?下面是我精心为你整理的介绍茶文化的英语作文,一起来看看。


  The Culture of Tea

  When a guest comes to my home from afar on a cold night, I light bamboo to boil tea to offer him. Ancient Chinese poem.China is the home country of tea. Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea was exported by land and sea, first to Japan and Korea, then to India and Central Asia and, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, to the Arabian Peninsula. In the early period of the 17th century, Chinese tea was exported to Europe, where the upper class adopted the fashion of drinking tea. Chinese tea like Chinese silk and china has become synonymous worldwide with refined culture. At the heart of the culture of tea the study and practice of tea in all its aspects is the simple gesture of offering a cup of tea to a guest that for Chinese people today is a fundamental social custom, as it has been for centuries.China traces the development of tea as an art form to Lu Yu, known as the Saint of Tea in Chinese history, who lived ring the Tang Dynasty and who wrote The Book of Tea, the first ever treatise on tea and tea culture. The spirit of tea permeates Chinese culture, and throughout the country there are many kinds of teas, teahouses, tea legends, tea artifacts and tea customs. Better-known places to enjoy a good cup of tea in China include Beijing noted for its variety of teahouses; Fujian and Guangdong provinces and other places in the southeast of China that serve gongfu tea, a formal serving of tea in tiny cups; the West Lake in Hangzhou, also the home of the Tea Connoisseurs Association, noted for its excellent green tea; and provinces in southwest China like Yunnan where the ethnic groups less affected by foreign cultures retain tea ceremonies and customs in original tea-growing areas.


  当一个客人从远方来我的家在一个寒冷的晚上,我光吃煮茶给他。中国古代诗歌。中国是茶的故乡。在唐代之前,中国茶是由陆地和海洋出口,日本和韩国,然后到印度和中亚,在明清时期,阿拉伯半岛。在17世纪早期,中国茶叶出口到欧洲,喝茶的上层阶级采用了时尚。中国茶喜欢中国丝绸和中国已成为全世界的精致文化。的核心文化茶茶的研究和实践在其所有方面的简单手势向客人提供一杯茶,今天中国人民是一个基本的社会风俗,它已经持续了数百年。中国茶作为一种艺术形式的发展痕迹的鲁豫,称为圣茶在中国历史上,住在唐代和谁写的这本书的茶,首次论述茶和茶文化。茶的精神渗透到中国文化,在全国有很多种类的茶,茶馆,茶的 传说 ,茶工件和茶习俗。知名的地方享受一杯好茶在中国包括北京出名各种茶馆;福建和广东东南部省份和其他地方的中国工夫茶,正式的小杯茶,西湖在杭州,也茶叶鉴赏家的家协会,指出因其优秀的绿茶;和在中国西南省份云南的少数民族不受外国文化影响保留在原始产茶地区茶仪式和习俗。


  The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of savoring. Savoring tea is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schele, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves.China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one's hunger.

  中国人民,在他们喝的茶,很多意义的品味。品味茶不仅是一种辨别茶的好方式,也是人们乐于幻想和 饮茶 。抢一点休闲从繁忙的时间表,一壶浓茶,获得一个宁静的空间,和自己服务和喝茶可以帮助消除疲劳和沮丧,提高你的思维能力和激发你的热情。你也可以吸收它在小口慢慢欣赏的微妙饮茶的魅力,直到你的情绪高涨了起来,成崇高美学领域。建筑物、园林、摆设、茶具品茶的环境元素形式。宁静、清新、舒适、整洁的地区无疑是理想的喝茶。中国园林是世界上众所周知的和美丽的中国风景多到数不清。茶馆藏在花园和坐落在高山和河流的自然美景迷人的静止的地方供人们休息和重建自己。中国是一个悠久的文明和国家土地的仪式和礼仪。凡来了客人,沏茶、敬茶的礼仪是必要的。倒茶之前,您可能会问他们的偏好什么样的茶他们喜欢和茶在最合适的茶杯。倒茶的过程中,主机应小心注意剩余多少水的杯子和水壶。通常,如果茶在茶杯,应该添加开水在杯子的一半被消耗,从而保存了,这杯茶保留相同的气味和仍在整个过程中饮茶的天气温暖宜人。零食、糖果和其他菜肴在饮茶时可以补充茶的香味和消除饥饿。



  Chinese tea Chinese tea culture, tea culture. As open seven things (leading a poor You yan jiangcu tea), one of tea in ancient China is very common. Chinese tea culture and tea culture in Europe and America or Japan, a great difference. Chinese tea culture has a long history, profound, not only contains the material and cultural level, also contains a deep spiritual level.

  Tea by Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty in the history of Chinese tea culture and sounded the horn. Since then, the spirit of tea permeates the court and society, into the Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy, religion, medicine. For thousands of years China has not only accumulated a great deal about tea cultivation, proction of material culture, but also accumulated rich spirit of the tea culture, which is unique to China's tea culture, a cultural study areas.


  唐代鲁豫对中国茶文化的历史,吹响了号角。此后,茶精神渗透到宫廷和社会,融入了中国诗歌、绘画、书法、宗教、医学等。几千年来,中国不仅积累了大量的茶叶 种植 ,生产的物质文化,而且还积累了丰富的茶文化,这是独特的中国茶文化,文化研究领域的精神。




  关于茶叶的英语美文:Chinese Tea Culture 中国茶文化

  The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schele, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusia *** . You may also imbibe it slowly in *** all sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, fortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves.

  China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to plement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one's hunger.




  A couple often went shopping together. They both liked teacups. One day they saw a beautiful teacup in a store. As they picked it up, it suddenly spoke.

  "I haven’t always been a teacup. Once I was red earth. My master rolled me over and over and I shouted, but he only *** iled."

  "Then I was placed on a rolling wheel and suddenly I went around and around. 'Stop!’I cried, but the master only nodded."

  "Then he put me in the oven*. I had never felt so hot. I could see him through the opening and I could read his lips, 'Not yet.’"

  "Finally the door opened, and he took me out and put on a shelf. Then he brushed me and put back into the oven. This time it was twice as hot. I begged. I cried. I could see him through the opening, nodding his head, saying, 'Not yet.’"

  "Then I knew there wasn’t any hope. I was ready to give up, but the door opened and I was taken out and placed on a shelf. Later he handed me a mirror and said, 'Look at yourself.’I said, 'That can’t be me. It’s beautiful!’"

  "'I want you to remember,’he said, 'if I had just left you without rolling, you’d have dried up. If I had stopped rolling you around on the wheel, you would have been crushed. If I hadn’t put you in the oven, you would have broken. If I hadn’t brushed you all over, you would not have any color in your life, and if I hadn’t put you back in that second oven, you wouldn’t survive for very long, because the hardness would not have held. Now you are a finished proct. You are what I had in mind when I first started with you.’"


  Usually, I saw my side of the tea, while sitting fortably in a chair watching movies. Then the leisurely pace of lifemakes me envious. Today is the weekend, I take this opportunity, you should take to a cup Green Tea, taste the taste of Green Tea.


  I’m from the tea pot pick some good tea into the glass. The water rushing down, the whole glass suddenly bees lively: those who might have been at the bottom of the cupof tea with the water roll up, this scene lasted for a long time, the naughty little thing like playing in the water, howwill not stop, until I filled the glass with the water, the naughty little thing seems to play tired, just slowly calmed down. Some of them like a parachute, slowly fall to the bottom of the cup, lying in the “ *** all bed” with the dream;some are like a *** all boat, floating on the surface, it seemsunable to hold oneself back to have a look at the outside world; some seem reluctant to play in the water of happiness, as if said to me: “little master, I still want to play in the water, but I was too heavy, up or not, can only go down, can you help me?”


  After a while, the liquid in the glass bee green, tea also launched its green skirt. Maybe just floating on top of the”boat” also tired, so a piece of land has sunk to the bottom of the cup.


  end up cup, a burst of fragrance from assail the nostrils.Mother said, since it is tea, to sip one taste, not all of a sudden you finish it, so there is no *** ell. I took a sip, feel tois bitter, and then to bee sweet. I also learn to Dad’s appearance, to rely on the sofa, put the tea. How fortable ah! If I can every day so fortably on the sofa, drinking a cup of Green Tea, that should have much good!


  Drinking tea is good for the body, we should drink a little tea, let our bodies bee more healthy!



英式下午茶的餐桌礼仪翻译是英语是:Table manners of English afternoon tea见下图






















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