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人活着就要快樂。  People alive will be happy.  

有努力就會成功!  Efforts will be successful!  

失敗是成功之母!  Failure is the mother of success! 

失敗乃成功之母。  Failure is the mother of success. 

放棄也是一種解脱。  Give up is a relief.  

相信自己,你能行!  Believe in yourself, you can do it!  

不斷奔跑才是人生。  Running is the life.  

我的青春由我操縱。  I control my youth.  

過程用心,結果隨緣。  Process with your heart, as a result, fate.  

眼要看遠,腳要近邁。  Eye to see far, feet closer to exceed.