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1. 日記用英語怎麼説

日記用英語怎麼説日記用英語怎麼説查看全部8個回答我來答 有獎勵寫回答 有獎勵 查看全部8個回答沐星辰曦LV.82019-10-11關注日記的英語:diary ['daɪərɪ]擴展資料詞性:n. 日誌,日記;日記簿。


短語:Exchange diary 交換日記Future Diary 未來日記Dear Diary 親愛的日記My Diary 我的日記site diary 地盤工程日誌diary microbiology 乳品微生物學造句:1、Before we met, you showed me your diary.在我們相遇之前,你給我看了你的日記。2、I know this because, before we met, you showed me your diary and you wrote about this day.我知道這些,因為在我們相遇之前,你給我看了你關於這天的日記。

3、Yes, but then I never look at my diary.是的,我會寫,但我從不再翻看日記。4、The Thots application serves as a diary or a personal journal where you can post random thoughts to it.隨想志應用就像是一個日記或者個人日誌,你可以將你隨機的想法張貼到這裏。

5、Note that you want to call them in your diary, otherwise you may forget!那就在你的日記中記下你想聯繫他們,否則你就會忘了的。6、They were fascinating — a diary of a troubled war from the ground up.它們很吸引人——關於一場麻煩的戰爭從頭到尾的日記。

7、All you then do is slot these into the gaps between the diary stories.你所要做的就是在日記稿件之間的間隙處插入這些東西。 77 下一條回答合肥市學英語,英語0基礎無需擔心,學會為止!關注英語口語對話的人都在看美聯合肥市學英語,英語口語高性價比課程,外教+老師+SA全程助力!口語水平+學習能力..深圳市美聯國際教育..廣告隨時學英語,51Talk學英語每天25分鐘,0元試聽。

關注英語單詞的人都在看「51Talk」學英語量身定製課程,真人外教1對1,高性價比,低至40元/課起,1000萬學員..北京大生知行科技有..廣告日記本製作_樣式/logo/功能【萬套定製案例】當地日記本製作本地上門服務,提供活頁記事本,平裝筆記本,圈裝本,皮革本等設計定..北京金企文創科技有..廣告為您推薦怎麼讀英語,在線英語學習課程-免費試聽廣告怎麼讀英語,免費領取4850元在線學習禮歐美真人外教,高顏值高水平,在線學英語,選立刻説怎麼讀英語,57 2020-05-17“寫日記”用英語怎麼説寫日記英語是:keep a diary 讀音:英 [ki:p ə ˈdai 6 瀏覽239 2019-08-03日記用英語怎麼説diary 日記 3 瀏覽1025“日記本”用英語怎麼説日記本的英文:diary diary 讀法 英 [ˈdaɪəri] 11 瀏覽527日誌用英語怎麼説Log daily record journal 4 瀏覽1922記日記用英語怎麼説keep a diary 79 瀏覽2604日記日記有什麼內容好寫45個問題1,501,731人瀏覽每日一句英語 ,在線英語學習課程-免費試聽m.meteni.com廣告應該怎樣學英語_VIPKID青少兒英語_0元限時搶vipkid.com.cn廣告考古學家怎麼知道這個罐子是哪一年的? 23 瀏覽2772公雞為什麼會在早上打鳴? 20 瀏覽2230為什麼人們覺得混血兒好看呢? 15 瀏覽15686《赤裸特工》中演員的表現怎麼樣? 402.2k 瀏覽105472地球上第一個人是誰,從何而來? 12k 瀏覽2169303蛀牙真的是因為牙齒“生蟲子”嗎?平時該如何防止蛀牙啊? 1834 瀏覽431俾格米人,為什麼身材如此矮小,卻能在10歲前結婚生子? 14.6k 瀏覽3046105皮膚上的小肉疙瘩都是什麼?會癌變嗎? 8591 瀏覽3181314妃子為何最害怕皇帝牀上的木棒?太監其實都清楚,皇帝反而不知道 7045 瀏覽2076392十二星座變身後都是什麼樣子? 57.1k 瀏覽4900能和自己交配的動物,你想到了什麼? 6004 瀏覽2463769別大意!身份證千萬別這樣用,小心傾家蕩產 5771 瀏覽1080212人人都怕癌,但癌細胞也怕你,最怕你做這些事! 8217 瀏覽1117271點擊加載更多。

2. 英文日記怎麼寫





描寫型或抒情型,則是對某人物事物的特徵做細緻的描述,或針對某事物抒發自己的感情。1.格式:一般是在左上角記上當天日期,星期,時間的排列法與書信一致,星期寫在日期之後;右上角寫上當天的天氣情況,表示天氣情況的詞一般是形容詞,如:fine (晴朗的),cold (寒冷的),snowy(下雪),sunny(陽光充足的),rainy(下雨的),cloudy(陰天的)等。日記的小標題寫在下一行,也可省略不寫。



January 18, 2011 Friday Sunny

I am free now as I am spending my winter holiday.

Although we have some homework, we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.

I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn't go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. Yes! A year later, we have grown riper. And we learned much more things and got new life. We haven't enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way. We only have two years. Two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us.

2011-03-01 人教網


3. “日記”用英語怎麼説

日記 [rì jì]



<journaling> <journal>


她的日記發表後, 補充了一些有關這些事件的趣聞.

There was an interesting postscript to these events when her private diaries were published.


His father ordered that he (should) keep a diary in English.


She was angry for her mother's peeping at her diary.

4. 日記用英語怎麼説

日記的英語:diary ['daɪərɪ]



n. 日誌,日記;日記簿。


Exchange diary 交換日記

Future Diary 未來日記

Dear Diary 親愛的日記

My Diary 我的日記

site diary 地盤工程日誌

diary microbiology 乳品微生物學


1、Before we met, you showed me your diary.


2、I know this because, before we met, you showed me your diary and you wrote about this day.


3、Yes, but then I never look at my diary.


4、The Thots application serves as a diary or a personal journal where you can post random thoughts to it.


5、Note that you want to call them in your diary, otherwise you may forget!


6、They were fascinating — a diary of a troubled war from the ground up.


7、All you then do is slot these into the gaps between the diary stories.


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