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1. 簡歷中“個人技能”用英文怎麼説

簡歷中“個人技能”英文:Personal skills




讀音:英 [ˈpɜ:sənl] 美 [ˈpɜ:rsənl]




複數: personals


Taking a walk every evening was one of his personal laws.



讀音:英 [skɪl] 美 [skɪl]


複數: skills


In our culture we tend to be bashful about our talents and skills.


skill用法:~ (in/at sth) | ~ (in/at doing sth)技巧


The job requires skill and an eye for detail.




名詞一般分為專有名詞(proper noun)和普通名詞(common noun)。專有名詞是個別的人、事物、地點、團體、機構等專有的名稱,首字母通常大寫。

名詞按其所表示的事物的性質也可以分為可數名詞(countable noun)和不可數名詞(uncountable noun),可數名詞有單數和複數形式。



1.strong perception & intellect(有很強的領悟力和理解力)

2.with widen and swift thinking(思維開闊、敏捷)

3.able to be qucikly adapted to different environment(能夠很快適應不同環境)

4.dilligent,with sureness,responsible,everytime fulfil my duties to my own work(勤奮,踏實,有責任心,對自己的工作盡職盡責)

5.patient,have holding capacity to pressure and setback(有耐心,對壓力和挫折有承受力)


2. LOL大招英文怎麼説

LOL 英雄聯盟 ADC 物理型輸出以及CARRY APC 法術型輸出以及CARRY CARRY 打錢的 GANK 殺人遊走的 SUPPORT 輔助 TANK 坦克俗稱肉 T:指Tank,肉盾,護甲高,血量多,能夠承受大量傷害的英雄。

DPS:damage per second,傷害每秒,特指能夠對敵人造成大量傷害的英雄。 Carry:後期,核心,需要大量的金錢去堆積裝備的英雄,成型後威力很大,起決定性作用。

Gank:Gangbang Kill的縮寫,遊戲中的一種常用戰術,指兩個以上的英雄並肩作戰,對敵方英雄進行偷襲、包抄、圍殺。通常是以多打少,又稱“抓人”。

Stun:帶有眩暈效果的技能的總稱,也指打斷對手持續性施法和施法動作的打斷技。 Solo:一條線路上一個人,指英雄單獨處於一路兵線上與敵人對峙,經驗高升級速度遠超其他兩路。

Aoe :area of effect,效果範圍,引申為有範圍效果的技能 補刀:指對血量不多的小兵造成最終一擊的技術,也就是攻擊小兵最後一下獲得小兵的金錢,也可指對英雄的最後一擊獲得金錢。 KS:Kill Steal的簡稱,指專門對敵方英雄造成最後一下傷害獲得金錢和殺人數,而實際上對這個英雄的多數傷害是由隊友造成的,又稱“搶人頭”。

兵線:指雙方小兵交戰的線路位置。 對線:指己方英雄和敵方英雄在兵線附近對峙。

控線:高手們通過技能和補刀,把兵線停留在自己希望的地方。 推線:運用技能或者高攻擊,快速消滅敵方小兵,並帶領己方小兵威脅或摧毀敵方防禦塔。


沉默:可以移動,能夠進行物理攻擊,但不可以使用技能。 禁錮:不能移動,能夠使用技能,但不可以進行物理攻擊。

眩暈:不能移動,不能攻擊,不能使用技能。 召喚師技能:英雄控制者(玩家)自己可以選定的技能,和使用的英雄無關。

技能:英雄一共擁有5個技能,一個英雄專屬的被動技能;4個為英雄普通技能普通技能的4個施放鍵對應為Q、W、E、R,其中前3個技能最高5級、最後一個R鍵技能為大招,最高3級。) ULT:大招,R鍵技能。

天賦:隨着召喚師的升級,會獲得天賦點,玩家可以把天賦點投入到攻擊系,防禦系和通用系裏,增強英雄的能力(不同的英雄可使用不同的天賦)。 符文:召喚師可購買符文來增強英雄的能力(不同的英雄可使用不同的符文)。

草叢:地圖上主要道路邊的草叢,在草叢中的單位可以隱蔽,草叢外的敵人無法看到你,但是你可以看到草叢外的敵人。 物理攻擊:普通攻擊,簡稱物攻,英文簡寫AD。

魔法攻擊:技能攻擊,簡稱法傷,英文簡寫AP。 護甲:物理防禦,減免受到物理攻擊的傷害。

魔抗:魔法防禦,減免受到技能攻擊的傷害。 CD:Cool down,技能冷卻時間,技能再次釋放所需要的時間,在CD中的技能無法使用。

BUFF:殺死特定的野怪後獲得增益魔法,持續一段時間後消失,若持有BUFF的同時被殺死,那麼敵人將獲得這個BUFF的增益效果。 假眼:崗哨守衞,隱形,可以顯示周圍的區域。

真眼:真視之眼,隱形,可以顯示周圍的區域,並且可以偵測隱形。 超級兵:在己方兵營被摧毀後,敵方會生產超級兵,擁有超高攻擊,超高防禦以及超多的血量,在己方兵營重建後敵方會停止生產超級兵。

陣亡通知書:英雄死亡後,可以查看陣亡通知書,上邊記錄了你受到的傷害值和傷害來源 Lane – 路 Laning - 對線階段 Solo – 單路 Top – 上 Mid – 中 Bot – 下 Jungle – 打野怪 MIA – Missing in Action 同路的敵人消失了 (如果同路有2 個敵人, 直接以 "-1", "-2" 表達好了) All MIA - All Missing in Action 敵人全部消失了 RE – Returned 同路的敵人回來了 NVM – Nevermind 沒事了 (可作RE使用) } Brb – Be Right back 很快就回來 (一般是回去補血或者買東西) 團戰篇 OOM - Out of Mana 沒藍了 FB - First Blood 首殺 EM - Enemy 敵人 BD – Backdooring 偷塔 B – Back 退 Gank – 圍剿 Push – 推塔 GG – Good Game 完場 NP - No Problem 不要緊 建築篇 Turret - 箭塔 Barrack - 兵營 Nexus - 主城 偵察篇 Ward - 洞察棒 (這是$90不顯隱的, 要$150顯隱請註明"Visible Ward") Oracle - 洞察藥 Bush - 草叢 Stealth - 隱身 網絡篇 Lag – 卡卡的 DC – Disconnect 掉線 Dced - Disconneced 掉線的過去式 Delay - 延遲 Frozen – 卡得不能動 AFK - Away From Keyboard 閒置狀態, 掛機 情緒篇 Pls - Please 請求你做一件事, 最常見是"Pls delete your game"(不解釋) Ty – Thankyou 謝謝 Gj - Good Job 幹得好 OMW - On My Way 正趕來 Noob – Newbie 新手(骨子裏就是説你SB) Delete - 你玩得太爛, 請你刪除遊戲 OMG – Oh My God 糗了 OMFG – Oh My Fxxking God (不解釋) WTF - What the Fxxk 這怎TMD可能啊! (謝11樓提供) Suck - (可作Fxxk 使用) Retarded - 腦殘 LOL – Laugh out loud 恥笑你 ROFL – Rolling on floor laugh (同上) 英雄篇 Cham - Champion 英雄 Buff – (動詞)將英雄改強 (名詞)助益性效果 Debuff - (名詞)損害性效果 Nerf - (動詞)將英雄改弱 OP – Overpowering 英雄過強 Imba - Imbalance 這英雄的設計不平衡 (同上) Ult – Ultimate 大絕 。

3. 寫一篇關於大學生必會的一些技能的英文作文

Students concerned about the skills and how to get ready for the futureWhat are the students interest and should have the ability and quality? I think mainly in the following points:1, the knowledge reserve. As the saying goes: "knowledge is wealth".The students learn their professional knowledge, also can not be neglected in English, computer etc..2, the ability to live independently. Participate in the work, often to deal with their own clothing, food, shelter, and all other affairs, higher requirements for the ability to live independently, it is a kind of abilitytraining graduates cannot evasive.3, interpersonal skills. Students enter the society, with all sorts of peoplehave such relationship. Whether the correct, effective treatment,coordinate all kinds of relations between people working and living in a person, not only influence the adaptation to the environment, but also affects his work performance, mental health, live a happy life and careersuccess.4, the psychological bearing capacity. Society and schools, living environment, working conditions, the interpersonal relationship havegreat changes, these changes will inevitably make those illusions,enormously proud of one's success graduates caused psychological contrast and conflict, then, psychological ability is the first, mustovercome psychological obstacles. Have the right to face the reality offrustration. After one setback, must keep calm and rational, namely "the normal heart".5, practical ability. In real life, students practice ability, will directly affectits function. For example, as a teacher, only the rich knowledge is not enough, but also have the ability to put their knowledge to students.Therefore, college students should pay attention to overcome only focus on theoretical study, and the tendency to underestimate the practiceoperation.6, organization and management ability. The work of manpower and material resources, financial resources, time, information and other factors scientifically organize and effectively complete the task, this is our necessary ability.7, expression ability. A person wants to let others understand you,respect you, better play to your talent, the premise is to have shown their ability. When job hunting, write a letter, personal material, personnel recruitment, interview questions to answer, need strong expression ability.8, strain capacity. Graduates can't be learned in school to work on all the knowledge and skills required, only adjust the mode of knowledge, ability and their own thinking and behavior, and make yourself always initiative.I think as long as you have the skills, in addition to employment information, pay attention to job skills and so on, we can prepare for the future, to meet all the challenges ahead! Students concerned about theskills and how to get ready for the futureWhat are the students interest and should have the ability and quality? I think mainly in the following points:1, the knowledge reserve. As the saying goes: "knowledge is wealth".The students learn their professional knowledge, also can not be neglected in English, computer etc..2, the ability to live independently. Participate in the work, often to deal with their own clothing, food, shelter, and all other affairs, higher requirements for the ability to live independently, it is a kind of abilitytraining graduates cannot evasive.3, interpersonal skills. Students enter the society, with all sorts of peoplehave such relationship. Whether the correct, effective treatment,coordinate all kinds of relations between people working and living in a person, not only influence the adaptation to the environment, but also affects his work performance, mental health, live a happy life and careersuccess.4, the psychological bearing capacity. Society and schools, living environment, working conditions, the interpersonal relationship havegreat changes, these changes will inevitably make those illusions,enormously proud of one's success graduates caused psychological contrast and conflict, then, psychological ability is the first, mustovercome psychological obstacles. Have the right to face the reality offrustration. After one setback, must keep calm and rational, namely "the normal heart".5, practical ability. In real life, students practice ability, will directly affectits function. For example, as a teacher, only the rich knowledge is not enough, but also have the ability to put their knowledge to students.Therefore, college students should pay attention to overcome only focus on theoretical study, and the tendency to underestimate the practiceoperation.6, organization and management ability. The work of manpower and material resources, financial resources, time, information and other 。

4. 英文簡歷中電腦技能怎麼寫


2. 簡歷要用正規表格格式,如《深圳人才大市場發的》。3. 你還沒畢業,沒有工作經驗的就不用填,如果有實習經歷填上去,是優秀學生填上去。




















5. wow各職業技能和天賦的英文怎麼寫

術士Warlock WL

戰士Warrior WAR

聖騎士Paladin PAL 懲戒Retribution神聖Holy防護Protection

獵人Hunter野獸控制Beast Mastery射擊Marksmanship生存Survival

盜賊Rogue ROG


牧師Priest PRI


德魯伊Druid DRU野性戰鬥Feral Combat平衡Balance恢復Restoration



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