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fire[ 5faiE ]n.火, 爐火, 火災, 失火, 閃光, 炮火, 熱情, 激情vt.點燃, 燒製, 使發光, 給(爐子等)加燃料, 放槍, 激動, <口>解僱vi.開槍, 射擊, 着火, 燒火, 激動agitate arouse blast discharge dismiss excite expel heat ignite inflame kindle lay off provoke release shoot stir fire來自古英語fyr火[5faIE(r)]n火,火焰set on fire 放火He set fire to the dry grass. 他點燃了乾草。

火把用英語怎麼説 火的英文是什麼

The grass caught fire. 草燃着了。The grass was on fire for a short time. 草燒了一會兒。

爐火;烽火There is a fire in the sitting room. 客廳裏有爐火。Put some more coal on the fire.給爐火再添些煤。

暖氣爐;煤氣爐;電爐 射擊;炮火cease fire 停火open fire 射擊,開炮hang fire 遲緩發射The fire of this article is concentrated on the government policy on foreign affairs.這篇文章集中火力抨擊政府的外交政策。興奮,熱烈,熱情The boy is full of fire. 這孩子充滿熱情。

play with fire玩火;冒險 under fire受到攻擊show courage under fire 受到攻擊表現出勇氣would go through fire and water赴湯蹈火 firevt, vifired, firing 射擊She fired her gun at them. 她用槍向他們射擊。發射A rocket was fired at the moon. 火箭發射到月球上。

He fired questions at the boys. 他向孩子們提出一連串問題。放火 Damp wood are not easy to fire.潮濕的木頭不易着火。

There was no one to fire for the old couple in winter.冬天沒有人替這一對老夫婦生火。燒製,焙制 解僱You're fired. 你被解僱了。

"According the Law of Labour, bosses can't fire workers at will any longer.""根據勞動法,老闆們再也不可以任意解僱工人了。"激發;激起He was fired with the desire to visit China. 他激起了到中國旅遊的念頭。

agitate arouse blast discharge discharge dismiss excite expel heat ignite inflame kindle lay off provoke release shoot stir fire[5faiE]n.火, 火焰; 燃燒爐火; 烽火火災, 火警, 失火發光[熾熱]體; 閃光; 火花; 光輝熱烈, 熱情; 激情; 生氣; (詩等的)靈感炮火, 射擊; 火力發燒; 發熱; 炎症火刑; 磨難; 苦難; 迫害[詩]星the fire of a diamond鑽石的光輝the fire of lightning閃電光the fire of love熱烈的愛a speech lacking fire缺乏熱情的演説ground fire地面火力the fires of persecution殘酷的迫害liquid fire[口]烈性酒A burnt child dreads the fire.[諺]燒傷過的孩子怕火(驚弓之鳥, 格外膽小)。He who plays with fire gets burned.玩火者必自焚。

fire[5faiE]vt.燒, 點燃燒製(磚瓦等); 焙, 烘製(茶葉等)給(爐子等) 加燃料; 給。生火使發光輝; 使發亮放(槍、炮等); 射出(子彈)激起; 激動; 激發熱情[美口]猛地發出; 猛力投擲[口]解僱, 開除【獸】(用烙鐵)燒灼fire a furnace給爐子生火fire a salute放禮炮fire questions at sb.向某人提 出(許多)質問fire sb. with anger激怒某人The boss fired him with one week's notice.經理通知他一個星期後解僱。

fire[5faiE]vi.着火; 燃燒激動; 突然發怒開火; (槍等)射擊[口]扔石頭等司爐fire back in self-defence自衞還擊The ship's firemen went on strike and there was no one to fire.船上的司爐工人在鬧罷工, 以致沒有人司爐。fire-alarmn.火災報警器firearm[5faIErB:m]n.[常用復]火器, 手槍, 步槍, 輕武器fireback[`faIEbAk]n.(反射爐火的)背壁fireball[5faIEbC:l]n.火球, 流星燃燒彈精力充沛的人fire-barn.加熱條, 爐條firebase[`faIEbeIs]n.火力基地, 重火力點firebird[`faIEb:d]n.火紅鳥無線電信管fireboat[`faIEbEJt]n.消防艇, 救火船firebomb[`faIEbCm]n.燃燒彈firebossn.瓦斯檢查員; 通風員firebrand[5faIEbrAnd]n.火把, 放火者, 煽動叛亂者, 挑動爭執者firebreak[5faIrbreIk]n.森林的防火線firebrick[5faIEbrIk]n.(耐)火磚, 粘土質耐火磚firebug[5faIEbQ^]n.消防巡邏員[美]螢火蟲[美口]放火者, 縱火狂fire-coatn.氧化膜fire-controln.【軍】射擊指揮, 火力控制消防firecracker[5faIEkrAkE(r)]n.爆竹, 鞭炮沙丁魚幼魚爆竹花fire-cracksn.燒裂; 退火裂紋fire-crackingn.【冶】熱裂fire-curevt.用煙燻(煙草等)fire-dampn.【化】(煤礦內的)碳化氫, 沼氣fire-diken.防火堤firedog[5faIEdR^]n.(爐中的)柴架, 炭架firedrake[`faiEdreIk]n.(北歐神話中的)噴火龍dragon[5drA^En]n.(北歐神話中的)噴火龍fireeatern.吞火魔術師, 愛打架的人fire-eatingadj.強暴的, 好戰的, 咄咄逼人的fire-enginen.救火車, 消防車fire-escapen.太平梯, 安全出口firefindern.火災尋視器fire-floatn.消防艇fireflood[`faIEflQd]n.注火法(一種石油開採程序)firefly[5faIEflaI]n.火螢firegraten.爐篦[條]fireguard[5faIE^B:d]n.滅火爐fire-hazardousadj.易着火的fire-holen.(鋼)坩堝爐firehouse[`faIEhaJs]n.消防馬車fire-hydrantn.消防栓, 消防龍頭fire-insurancen.火災保險fire-lanen.防火隔離線firelight[5faIElaIt]n.爐火光firelightern.引火物firelock[`faIElCk]n.(採用緩燃導火索點燃火藥的)裝藥炮閂fireman[5faIEmEn]n.煤礦井下檢查員; 爆破工; 燒火工, 消防隊員fire-marshaln.[美]防火部門主管人firemastern.消防隊長firenewadj.嶄新的fire-outn.發射, 起動fire-pann.[英]。




Long shots torch



英 [tɔːtʃ]

美 [tɔrtʃ]

n. 火把,火炬;手電筒;啟發之物

vt. 用火炬點燃

vi. 像火炬一樣燃燒



TORCH 火炬,火把,手電筒

Operation Torch 火炬行動,火炬作戰,登陸行動


The Beijing Olympic Torch boasts strong Chinese characteristics, and showcases Chinese design and technical capabilities。

It embodies the concepts of a Green Olympics, a High-tech Olympics and the People's Olympics。 The Key Facts about the Torch The torch is 72 centimetres high, weighs 985 grams and is made of aluminium。

The torch is of a curved surface form, with etching and anodizing being used during its production。 A torch can usually keep burning for approximately 15 minutes in conditions where the flame is 25 to 30 centimetres high in a windless environment。

The torch has been produced to withstand winds of up to 65 kilometres per hour and to stay alight in rain up to 50mm an hour。 The flame can be identified and photographed in sunshine and areas of extreme brightness。

The fuel is propane which is in accordance with environmental guidelines。 The material of its form is recyclable。

The Artistic and Technical Features of the Torch The torch of the Beijing Olympic Games has a very strong Chinese flavour。 It demonstrates the artistic and technical level of China。

It also conveys the message of a Green Olympics, a High-tech Olympics and the People's Olympics。 The shape of the paper scroll and the lucky clouds graphic, expresses the idea of harmony。

Its stable burning technique and adaptability to the environment have reached a new technical level。 The torch of the Beijing Olympic Games is designed, researched and produced in China。

BOCOG owns all intellectual property rights。 The Fuel for the Torch Under the concept of a Green Olympics, environmental protection was a key element listed in the invitation documents to the design companies, by BOCOG。

The fuel of the torch is propane, which is a common fuel which also comes with a low price。 It is composed of carbon and hydrogen。

No material, except carbon dioxide and water remain after the burning, eliminating any risk of pollution。 The Burning System Its stable burning technique and adaptability to the environment have reached a new technical level。

It can stay alight in severe weather conditions such as strong wind, rain, snow, hail, etc。 The flame can also be identified in sunshine and areas of extreme brightness so as to satisfy the requirements of capturing photographic images and video footage。

The Design Timelines 2005 August BOCOG developed the design concepts and requirements of the torch。 2005 December BOCOG recruited potential torch designs from the design society。

In total, BOCOG received 388 pieces of works。 2006 June-August BOCOG selected the structural designer and the burning system designer。

2007 January Beijing Olympic Torch was approved by IOC。

4.fire 這個英文單詞是不可數的.. 為什麼我的英語書上會出現put out fires

fire 作為火時是不可數 作為火災時是可數 這裏putout fires指撲滅火災 A little fire is quickly trodden out. [諺]星星之火, 容易踩滅。

altar fire 真摯的愛, 神聖的愛 sacred fire 真摯的愛, 神聖的愛 amid fire and thunder 轟轟烈烈 a running fire 連發, 連射; 一連串的批評[指責, 發問] (as) hot as fire 象火一樣熱 (as)red as fire 火紅, 通紅 (as) salt as fire 極鹹 be fired (out) [俚]被解僱 between two fires 腹背受敵; 在兩面夾攻中; 進退維谷, 左右為難 blow the fire (用風箱, 鼓風機等)吹火; [喻]挑唆, 煽動 brush fire 灌木叢火災(以別於森林大火) 突然爆發的; 小規模的; 局部的 build a fire under sb. 迫使某人行動起來 by fire and sword 殺人放火, 使用殘暴方法 carry fire in one hand and water in the other 兩面三刀, 口不應心 catch fire 着火 take fire 着火 cease fire 停火 draw the fire of sb. (=draw sb.'s fire) 【軍】吸引敵方火力 招致某人攻擊 fight fire with fire 以火攻火, 以毒攻毒 flash fire 眼中冒火, 怒目相對 shoot fire 眼中冒火, 怒目相對 go on fire [蘇, 愛]開始燃燒 go through fire and water 赴湯蹈火, 歷盡艱險 hang fire (火器)發射不出, 遲緩發射; (作事)猶豫不決耽擱時間 hold fire 忍着, 不表態; 不採取行動 Kentish fire 長時間鼓掌 一片反對、嘲笑聲 lay a fire 準備生火 lift the fire 【軍】延伸射擊; 中止射擊 like fire 飛快地 liquid fire [軍]液體燃燒劑 [俚]劣等的威士忌酒 make a fire生火 make up a fire 添燃料使火燒旺 miss fire (槍炮)打不響; 沒有產生預期效果 nurse a fire 看管火; 烤火 照看着不讓火熄滅 on fire燃燒着; 興奮着; 熱中 on the fire [美俚]在考慮[審議]中 One fire burns out another's burning. [諺]新火可以撲滅舊火; 新的愛情可以趕走舊的愛情。 open fire 開火; 開始; 首先發音, 先開口 play with fire 玩火, 幹危險的事 pull out of the fire 把。

從危難中搶救出來, 使轉敗為勝 snatch out of the fire 把。從危難中搶救出來, 使轉敗為勝 Promethean fire 生命之火; 活力, 元氣 put to fire and sword 又燒又殺 save sth. out of the fire 把東西從火中搶救出 set fire to放火燒, 使燃燒; 使興奮, 使激動 set on fire放火燒, 使燃燒; 使興奮, 使激動 show sth. the fire 把某物稍稍熱一下 Soft fire makes sweet malt. [諺]慢工出細活。

stand fire 耐熱, 耐高温, 冒着炮火; 忍受批評 stir the fire 撥火 strike fire (用火石)打火, (用火柴)劃火 激起熱情 take fire 着火燃燒; 激動起來; 對。發生興趣 The fire which lights us at a distance will burn us when near. [諺]遠火照明, 近火灼人。

The fire which warms us at a distance will burn us when near. [諺]遠火照明, 近火灼人。 No fire without smoke. [諺]有煙必有火; 無風不起浪。

There is no fire without smoke. [諺]有煙必有火; 無風不起浪。 under fire 在炮火下; 受到攻擊[批評, 責怪] Where's the fire? [謔]哪兒着火啦? 幹嗎這麼急? with fire and sword 用火與劍, 用武力 fire and brimstone 地獄裏的磨難; (發出)憤怒的恫嚇 見鬼! fire and fag(g)ot 火刑 fire and fury 熾烈奔放[激怒]的感情 Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters. [諺]水火無情。

fire at 對。 開槍, 向。

射擊 fire on 對。 開槍, 向。

射擊 fire away 繼續射擊; [口]開始連珠炮般地談話或提問; 拍照 fire in the belly 抱負, 推動力, 積極性 fire in one's belly 抱負, 推動力, 積極性 fire off 開炮; 發射; [口]發生一連串提問[責難]; 打完, 放完, (問題等)提完 fire out [美]用火把。烤出來; 攆走, 解僱 Fire that's closest kept burns most of all. [諺]壓住的火燒得更旺(一般指抑制情慾)。

fire up(ing) 發動(機器); 生火; 突然發怒 fires of heaven [詩]星星 firestorm n. 風暴性大火 會不會是這個的縮寫,意思為撲滅大火,我不確定.。



ignis, ignis m. 火,明亮;熱情,激情;

fax, facis f. 火炬,火把,火;愛火;痛苦;

ardor, ardoris m. 火,火焰,熱烈;明亮,閃光,閃爍;灼熱,愛,強烈;

aestus, aestus m. 激動,激情,火熱;憤怒,沸騰;熱,火;海潮;

incendium, incendi(i) n. 大火;熱烈;炙熱,激情。

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